Digitial Film School Africa

Documentary Film

In this tutored course, aspiring filmmakers will learn the basics of documentary film making. It will take you about 160 hours (8 modules of 5 units of appr. 4 hours each) to complete this course and you will earn a PDF certificate upon reaching a minimum average score of 51 out of 100.

160 Hours / Blended learning


Programme Learning Outcomes

The course gives a basic understanding of the documentary film production.
It involves

  • a brief overview of the history of documentary film in Ghana and Africa
  • the different documentary genres
  • approaches to treatment
  • the role of trust and interviews in documentary filmmaking
  • the production of corporate documentary films
  • the different phases of documentary film production

The objective is enabling participants to write a documentary film concept and undertake production activities for a short documentary by the end of this course.

Beginners Level

Module Units
What is a documentary film?
Ideation and research
Basics of filmic storytelling
Approaches to treatment
On trust and interviews
Corporate documentaries
The production

Course Developers

Dr. Rebecca Oheneasah Hesse (AUCC), George Bosompim (AUCC) and Godstime Mensah-Nab (Ghana YMCA) with support from Jürgen Seidler (Script House) and Frank Domhan (WELTFILME e.V.)

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