Digitial Film School Africa


In this tutored course, aspiring filmmakers will learn the basics of how to write screenplays. It will take you about 160 hours (8 Modules à 5 Units a 4 hours) to complete this course and you will earn a PDF certificate upon reaching a minimum average score of 51 out of 100.

160 Hours / Blended learning


Programme Learning Outcomes

This interactive and hands-on course will motivate leaners to express themselves according to their individual artistic identity, it will familiarise them with the basic tools of screenwriting and guide them through the process of writing their own short screenplay.

The learners will specifically get to understand

  • how to get in touch with their own voice as a writer,
  • how to find the stories that matter to them,
  • how to develop cinematic characters,
  • how to create a character’s journey and change,
  • how to build tension and the structure of a filmic story
  • how to professionally pitch and present a story to producers
  • and how to write scenes and dialogue leading to a fully developed short screenplay of their own

Beginners Level

Module Units
Finding your own voice
Story ideation
Development of cinematic character
Characters, theme and plot
Basic story elements
Story development
Scene writing and dialogue writing
The short screenplay

Course Developers

Yaw Berko Nuako (AUCC), Astus Kwasi Ahiagble, Edward Seddoh, Kwabena Eddie Mankata (Ghana YMCA) with support from Jürgen Seidler (Script House) and Alexander Pfeuffer (Weltfilme e.V.)

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